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Vermont Affordable Housing Hub

Your source for housing assistance through the Vermont State Housing Authority

Helping people for 50 years

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Section 8 Rental Assistance Program

The Section 8 Program provides rental assistance to help eligible families live in safe and decent housing of their choice. The family pays a portion of the rent based on a percentage of their household adjusted income (typically 30%) and the remaining rent is paid by the housing agency. Read more about the Section 8 Program from HUD.

4 Qualifications to receive section 8

Households with incomes at or below 50% of the AMI based on household size are eligible for Section 8 rental assistance.
View the current income limits
Up-to-date payments
Not owe money to the Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) or other housing authority. Sign any authorization forms required to verify eligibility requirements.
Criminal history
The VSHA will conduct a background check of all adult household members upon selection from the waiting list.

Effective Friday January 31, 2025, at 4:30pm Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) will be closing its waiting list for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. VSHA's waiting list continues to be open for the housing Project-Based Voucher PBV) program.

Waiting List Status
Open Date
Close Date
The waiting list is open to families who qualify for Disaster Preference
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What is Section 8 and is that the same as Housing Choice Voucher and Tenant Based Voucher?
Am I eligible for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program?
What are waiting list preferences and how do they affect my application?
How do I update information on my application?
What should I do while I’m on the waiting list?
How long is the waiting list?
How do I check my status?
What if my application was removed from the waiting list?